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When tragedy comes, a willing heart is not far from redemption. Losing everything can sometimes reveal one's true purpose and a little help from family never hurts. Matthew shares his story of a changed life and the road he took to get there with the help of family, church, and a network of connections willing to assist. Over a million people on the sex offender registry risk losing friends, employment, housing, and self-reliance due to the onerous restrictions placed upon them by the registry. If we truly want people to change and become productive members of society, these laws must change. NARSOL is working to create a future where every person's constitutional rights are respected, even those who have a criminal conviction in their past. For more information: NARSOL: https://narsol.org NARSOL Resources: https://resources.narsol.org Join NARSOL: https://secure.narsol.org/join-narsol/ Volunteer: https://narsol.org/volunteer/ Support NARSOL with Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/47-3285181
Lives on the Registry: Recovery from Incarceration and the Sex Offender Registry - Matthew's StoryLives on the Registry: Recovery from Incarceration and the Sex Offender Registry - Matthew's StoryLives on the Registry: Recovery from Incarceration and the Sex Offender Registry - Matthew's StoryLives on the Registry: Recovery from Incarceration and the Sex Offender Registry - Matthew's Story
Lives on the Registry: Recovery from Incarceration and the Sex Offender Registry - Matthew's Story