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https://www.thespystore.com.au/lawmate-ht-19-baseball-cap-hidden-camera Website: https://www.thespystore.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thespystoreau/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thespystores/ For any surveillance situation — but especially outdoors — this stylish baseball cap is a virtually invisible way to silently record evidence wherever you go. The built-in velcro pouch perfectly conceals your pocket DVR right in the cap, letting you pair the HT-19 with the PV-500L4i, or your choice of LawMate DVR with no hassle, giving you an all-in-one covert evidence solution. Countless professionals rely on LawMate gear for good reason. Shouldn’t you?
LawMate HT-19 Baseball Cap Hidden Camera - Test FootageLawMate HT-19 Baseball Cap Hidden Camera - Test FootageLawMate HT-19 Baseball Cap Hidden Camera - Test FootageLawMate HT-19 Baseball Cap Hidden Camera - Test Footage
LawMate HT-19 Baseball Cap Hidden Camera - Test Footage