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Follow us in Insta: @saveethakandasamy https://www.instagram.com/saveethakandasamy Whatsapp: 9738455169 Available in ⬇⬇ https://littlesquirel.in/collections/bhuvika Bhuvika has launched a Trending and stylish four layer Herbal Reusable Protective Mask which has a special herbal ingredients that are used in Kabasura Kudineer. Its has four layer protective fabric layer which is very protective and keeps us safe in our current working environment. Mask has became a essential product in our life now. For this Bhuvika has introduced the Printed u0026 Solid masks in stylish look in three different sizes. For Men's For Women's For Kids Kids will feel more energetic while they wearing the mask due to the nice Kabasura Kudineer ingredients.
Bhuvika - Herbal MaskBhuvika - Herbal MaskBhuvika - Herbal MaskBhuvika - Herbal Mask
Bhuvika - Herbal Mask