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Almost 25% of the total onion crop is supplied from Punjab province where nursery is mostly planted from mid of October to mid of November which is transplanted in December-February , this crop matures in April-May and it controls our market for three months from April-June. 1-2% is also contributed from off season cultivation of Melsi Tehsil and Vehari district of Punjab. Almost 8-10% of the total onion crop is contributed from the cooler regions of KPK province where nursery is mostly planted during mid March-mid April which is transplanted in May, this crop matures in July and it controls our market for 1.5 months from mid July-end of August. Almost 25% of the total comes from cooler valleys of Bluchistan province where seed is direct planted from mid of mid of March-mid April, this crop matures in August and it controls our market for three months from August-mid of October. Almost 40% of the total onion crop is marketed from Sindh province where nursery is mostly planted from mid of May-mid of June which is transplanted in July, this crop matures in October and it controls our market for four months from October-January. A shortage period of onion crop may be observed during months of October and November during the transitional phase of Bluchistan to Sindh. Onion crop is likely to become an expensive commodity due to its complete failure in Sindh province. A huge acreage of onion is likely to be planted in Punjab during coming winter. Weeds are an important bottle neck in onion nursery crop. In this video, we have advised the onion growers about the pre emergence and post emergence chemical control of weeds from rice nursery. We have advised to spray Hadaf 24 ECھدف یا آکسی فن (oxyfluorfen) @ 40 ml/acre as pre emergence, @ 10 ml/acre as early post emergence and @ 50 ml/acre as post emergence (nursery of 20-25 days). Onion is the most important vegetable/condiment crop of Pakistan. It is cultivated in large scale more or less throughout country. We have mentioned the summary of onion production Technology especially with reference to Punjab province. It has been mentioned that frequency of weeds, diseases and lack of storage facilities are considered as the major bottle neck in its profitable farming. As compared to the heavy and clayey soils, its cultivation is more successful in loam and sandy loam soils. Nasar Puri, Phulkara and Swat 1 are suggested as non-hybrid varieties. Out of a dozen of hybrids, Seminis 748 (Mehr M. Din u0026 sons Gujranwala) and Melbak (Siddique Sons Faisalabad) are considered as the high performer varieties. Winner, Century and Jalal of Madina Seeds Gujranwala have also been performing well. Garlic (Allium sativum) is a very important condiment crop of Pakistan and almost daily used for HANDI cooking in every home. Its sowing time was considered from mid of September to mid of October during previous decades. As a result of global warming intensity of heat and its duration has been extended to the end of September. Therefore, sowing of garlic in September has become rather risky and germination may be affected during most years. However, this year frequent rainfall has not only improve the soil moisture regime but relatively early planting of garlic has also been facilitated. For this purpose, heat tolerant varieties like TRARA which is frequently cultivated in the core garlic area of Punjab (Cheecha watni, Kasso wal and Mianchannu), may be planted within the month of September. Planting of Lehasan Gulabi, NS 756 may be started during the last week of September and NARC G1 at the end of October. Department of agriculture must revisit sowing time recommendations under the changing scenario of climatic conditions. #onion #potato #garlic #cropreformer
Sowing Times of Onion, Garlic and Potato in 2022 || Crop ReformerSowing Times of Onion, Garlic and Potato in 2022 || Crop ReformerSowing Times of Onion, Garlic and Potato in 2022 || Crop ReformerSowing Times of Onion, Garlic and Potato in 2022 || Crop Reformer
Sowing Times of Onion, Garlic and Potato in 2022 || Crop Reformer